Hi there!!!
What a whirlwind month in the Reeves household! We had a lovely Thanksgiving. Went to my grandmother's house - and got to see my family - and of course, the boys got to play with their Na-Na! Always an adventure! My cousin had her puppy there - a sweet bassett named Lucy - and Camp had a ball playing with her! Too cute watching them run around after each other in Mimi's backyard! LOL! A dog his size! He didn't know what to do with himself.
I hit the malls at 3:30 am for Black Friday - got some good sales. Then we hung out at the house all day with the boys and were just us.
Saturday - we headed to Jason's hometown for his Grandmother's 90th birthday! His mother had organized a surprise reunion - so we had lots of folks we hadn't seen since our wedding. Which was great! The boys were very well behaved - and by the end of the night were just worn out. Andy was being Mr. Charming - and laughing with everyone. Camp had a great time playing fetch with the neighbor's dog - Maggie. We all ate too much, and socialized too much - but that's what you're supposed to do at these, right?
Camp got his GeoTrax from his Grammie in from his birthday. He loves it and carries his Choo Choo around everywhere. Heaven forbid Andy try to touch it! D-Daddy came up this past Sunday and Camp proudly showed off his new golfing skills - which pretty much involve just whacking the poor golf ball in whatever manner works.. We have to start somewhere. He's also realizing what Santa is. We were out to lunch the other day and there happened to be a bearded gentleman sitting at the next table. Camp stared - then quietly leaned over to Jason and pointed and whispered "Santa Claus" - tooooooo cute!
Andy has added "Uh-Oh" to his vocabulary. He now has 4 words - Mama, Dada, Bye Bye - and Uh Oh.. :) He loves the Uh-oh - he's into dropping everything over the edge. The edge of the table (food) the edge of his changing table (toys and socks), the edge of the bathtub - toys... He's soooo close to walking too. Just nooot quite there. I bet he will be by Christmas.
We put our tree up last night, and Jason and I plan on taking a day off work - which we both need desperately - and decorating. I'm a holiday freak - as anyone who knows me can tell you - and I'm really looking forward to dressing the house to the 9's.
Both boys go to the ENT tomorrow. Camp for his post-op appt from his Adnoid surgery - and Andy - well - to see about getting tubes in - bless his heart. He's having tough infections - they aren't wanting to clear up.. so looks like he's getting tubes as well.. sigh. He's also just gotten his eye-teeth in! And - I love it - he's got the same gap in his front teeth as I have! I think he may be dressing like David Letterman next Halloween. LOL!
That's about it for now!
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