Y-M-C-A!!!!! Yep - as you can tell - the fam all went swimming today! It was Andy's very 1st time swimming - and Camp's very 1st time swimming at the Y in such a big pool!!!!
Camp was not really very sure about it at first. He pretty much clung to Jason and I and was very wary. It took a while, but he finally warmed up to it and started splashing and pointing and laughing. He's so sweet. What a cutie. His swim shorts are only about 18 sizes too huge - so they looked completely adorable. Camp ALSO learned how to say "Go Cocks!" today - sorta... it's more of "Go Kahhhhhhhh" (the gamecocks are our football team - we LOVE some USC!!! Especially since ONE day I will get my degree from there.) I love the fact that he is picking up on everything now. God God and Oh-Man are my other 2 favorites. AND the way he says Andy - AAH-Dee. I could squeeze his lips off.
Andy, on the other hand, loved absolutely every second. From the moment he got in the water, his legs just kicked and kicked. I took him out a little bit, and spun with him in my arms and lifted him up and down gently - and he just laughed and laughed. All smiles. A very nice woman commented on how adorable he is (he is!) and when I told her it was his very first time in the pool, she said, "aww!! A water baby! Hey Honey (to her husband) - It's his very first time in the water - isn't he adorable?" that was sweet - and a little odd - but still, sweet.
Charlie's turns the big 1 tomorrow. Beth had originally scheduled his party to be today - but Fordums is not well. He was up all night with an upset tummy and his ear was hurting him. Beth took him to the doctor this afternoon and he's got a really nasty ear infection and white spots on his throat (though he was strep negative) and a virus of some sort in his eye. Bless his heart!!! I can't stand when any baby is sick - but it's 20 times worse when it's someone I love - and I absolutely love Ford. Ok - I love ALL the babies in our family - but you know what I mean. So - Choo Choo's party is NEXT weekend.. which will still be very much fun. I think I might run a small present out there to him tomorrow.. you can't have a birthday without a present! Sheeesh!
I guess that's about it! Ta!
Okay how adorable are your boys in the pool! I knew Andy would LOVE it...he is so laid back, how wonderful. Poor Ford, I hope he feels better quickly...kisses to all the sweet boys in your family. :o)
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