HAPPY BIRTHDAY WALKER!!! My gorgeous (no kidding!!) nephew Walker is 1 today!! The party is tomorrow and I can't wait to see them. I'm hoping to get some pics - and I'll be able to post one tomorrow.. but it just makes me all sentimental when I think about Wah being 1. He was sooooo teeny when he 1st arrived - he was early too - but man, he sure has changed! He's bright, and active, and is just adorable. Wait until you see his unbelievable eyes... My sister makes pretty babies. I hope she has another one. I swear I had a dream about her last night and she was pregnant - but she told us on Mother's day? Anywho...I'm really excited for them. She and David are awesome parents.. I'm so grateful to have them and my beautiful nephew in my life..
So - today was interesting. We all got up early, and went to breakfast. Camp once again entertained everyone walking by with a loud "HEY!" He even tried to grab the poor waitresses as they walked by. oy. But he ate his melon, egg, bacon, and hashbrown - then more melon and some raisins.. so sweet. Andy ate an ENTIRE jar of bananas today at breakfast! Not only was this his 1st time having a breakfast - he ate the whole thing!!!!!!!! He's growing - fast! We're pretty much in 6-9 month closing - some 9-12. I NEED to try on his christening gown to make sure it actually fits! Yipe! After breakfast, we came home - I ran out to an auction they were having in town - but because of the rain, they cancelled it. Shame too - they had a really cute child's piano I wanted for the boys.. Then, I ran to Walmart. Well, maybe RAN is the totally wrong word. Drove slowly through blinding rain only to totter around Walmart for the next hour and a half... then having to come home and help with kiddos. I gave Camp a grilled cheese sammich for lunch - he ate a little, but was SO tired. So he went to sleep. I mopped the kitchen, did some laundry, and put away dishes before reloading it.. and then had to run to my hair appointment. I finally FINALLY got my manicure/Pedicure that Sharon gave me - I looooved every second of it - and my nails look so pretty. Course, I also got my hair cut - and Jason hates it, even though he says he doesn't. It was one of those reactions "well, what do you think?" and he shrugged and said "ehh".. NICE... well, there goes any hope of trying to be cute for me. I just give up..
Gave Camp and Andy dinner, and they are currently down for the count. We're grilling out tonight.
Oh - sad news. My friend Dana's daddy passed away at 1:20 am today. I am so incredibly sad for her. The heartbreak in her voice - man... I didn't know her Daddy that well - but I know about him and I know how much Dana loved him. It's just tragic. Dana is trying to be strong - but this is killing her and all I want to do is wrap my arms around her and just hug her. The visitation is on Monday night - so I am definately going to that. I may even attend the graveside service, if I can. I'd really like to anyway.. I'll pray for Dana and her family. I can only imagine the pain..
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