Bathtime for Andy!! Tonight, Andy had his first lay-down bath. He's been using the baby bath - but really, truly has outgrown it. And he splashes EVERYWHERE!! So - in light of the fact that my sister has his bath seat that I've neglected to go and get (I'm slack!)... we decided that he's get to try it this way for a bit. He had a BLAST! Loved every second of it. He laughed and played and splashed and squealed. And he's SO chubby. Ahh... my precious boy.
Camp had a great day too. His beloved Aunt Sharon came by to play a few minutes and she blew him bubbles - he just screeched as he ran around trying to pop them. (Thank you Aunt Ashley for the bubbles!!) And, Jason went to get his new ball out of the car, and he was standing at the door watching - when he saw J coming back with the ball - he said "WOAH!" - except is was more like woehoh. My Southern boy. LOVE IT!!!!
Not much to write today. Went to the doctor about my knee - just said it was a little inflamed and to rest it and ice it.. no biggie. Dang, I can't get out of my excercise class - LOL.
LOL! Our infernal knees I tell ya! Thanks for the sweet comments on my kiddos.. Camp saw the bubbles when he got home and just had a FIT to play with them. LOL! So sweet.
Could he more adorable?! I really want a boy now. :o)
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