Location: South Carolina, United States

I am 34, married to a wonderful man - Jason. We've been together for 12 years now - and married for 8. I'm a Mama of 2 boys and one gorgeous baby girl!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

It truly never ceases to amaze me what each day will bring. Today, my friend Dana buried her beloved Father, Wes. I went to the funeral - it was absolutely beautiful outside. The birds chirped, and the crowd was quietly moved by the serenity of it all. So, tonight I'm melancholy. I stood and watched my friend and her family mourn the loss of the biggest impact on their lives. I watched her shoulders shake from behind, her hand dart up to her face, and her sweet husband wrap his arm around her and gently stroke her back. I can not imagine myself in her shoes - I don't want to. ever. Though the remembrances were sweet, and touching and funny.. it's still utterly heartbreaking. I feel for my friend. I wish I could tell her how my own heart aches for her and fears for me. After the service, I hugged her and her mother. Such sadness. And as I drove away, I promptly picked up my cell and called my own parents, just to tell them I loved them. I tried my sisters too - but couldn't get either - and I called my best friend to talk to her. And of course, my Jason. All the people that I adore and love - I had to call them and tell them. I only wish my boys could talk on the phone.
On brighter notes - Camp is just doing more and more every single day. He is utterly hilarious. Tonight - he was spinning and singing in the kitchen while waiting for me to finish making his dinner. I walked over to him, took his little hands in mine and swung him around - he just screeched! He's saying more every day too - we're still working on please and thank you .. but he's getting there. Did I tell you that he calls hot dogs "dot dogs"? cracks me up!
Andy had a great day as well! His favorite teacher was with him all day today - so I know he got plenty of love and kisses all day long. He's eating 2 meals a day now, in addition to his bottles. I weighed him over the weekend and he's up to 21 1/2 pounds!! Good grief!!! When we got home this afternoon, I had him on my lap and was shaking one of his peek-a-balls for him - this one has a "mini" tambourine in it of sorts - he just laughed and laughed and laughed. I have no clue what was so funny - but if it started clanking - he just cracked up. He has the brightest, most bubbly laugh in the universe. I could dance on it.
Well - I'm signing off for the day. I thank God for all my wonderful friends and family - and I really hope they all know how much they mean to me. I hate that it takes sad days like today for me to make sure they know.


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