Well- as you may be able to tell - tonight was a landmark night! It was important for 2 reasons - the 1st being that Andy had his first bath in his bath seat - and the 2nd - the boys took a bath together!! they did REALLy well. I wasn't sure how it was going to go - Camp was a little leary - but Andy enjoyed himself immensly. I think that after Camp loosened up and was figured out that it was fun to stick the foam letters to Andy's head.. he loosened up quite a bit.
We had an interesting morning at church - I had to work the Assimilation Committee's Ministry Fair - so we took both boys to church. Camp was grouchy!! but calmed down after a few minutes in his classroom. At one point, the lady who was working in Andy's room brought him to me because he was acting hungry, but wouldn't take the bottle - so I had to explain how he's very particular and has to have the bottle a certain temperature (HOT!). He took it after I warmed it and tried to fall asleep. Jason took the boys home after the service so I could stay and work the fair. Then, Beth and I went and did some shopping for Charlie's 1st b-day next week. I can't believe he's one already! And then, we came home and just hung out. Jason mowed the yard and Camp followed him from window to window, utterly fascinated. That boy just loves his Daddy. It was a good day today. I love my boys.
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