Tootsie and Squish

Location: South Carolina, United States

I am 34, married to a wonderful man - Jason. We've been together for 12 years now - and married for 8. I'm a Mama of 2 boys and one gorgeous baby girl!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

New days - new developments!!! I hate that I'm always writing about Andy all the time (well, I don't HATE it - I just feel guilty because I don't have a lot to say about both boys all the time).
ANYWAY - Andy's just changing so fast right now - He's crawling at the speed of lightening. Pulling up on everything and even doing some cruising. He's officially said Mama!!! He did say Dada last week on the 8th - but poor J wasn't around to hear it. He's clapping now too. And he thinks that is a great deal of fun! He's also learned to shake his head no. LOL! So sweet. I love his little personality. He's eating anything we put on his plate - which is great - we thought for a while we'd have a tougher time switching him over to solids.
Camp is "Mr. Splashy". His new favorite activity is creating the biggest waves possible while in the tub - he takes great joy in his ability to soak his poor father. Who am I kidding? Jason loves every minute of it. He's also just recently added" What's that?" to his vocabulary and will point at anything and everything and get us to tell him what it is. It's great! He was puzzled by a kangaroo the other day - so cute. I can just tell we're not all that far off from the "Why?" phase. He's also started going "mmmmmmm" anytime he takes a bite of something he likes for dinner. Which, as the head chef, I can appreciate.
Andy has his 9 month (way late) checkup tomorrow. He has a cough - so I hope it's just this nagging cold that has besieged our family and nothing more serious.. I can't wait to get his stats!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Hee Hee- my boys are funny!!!! We had a really great Labor Day weekend. Did not do a whole heck of a lot other than just hang out as a family. Took them out to play, went and did some shopping. Lots of fun! Monday, Camp and I were in the front yard kicking a ball - and Andy was content to sit in the grass and watch - but I thought I would try to see if he wanted to crawl and play as well! So - I walked over and put him on his belly - and then the laughing ensued. He was on his belly - arms and legs sticking straight out. He would not put them down for anything. Just kinda looked lost. Definately has zero affection for grass! After a couple minutes, whimpering started, so I had to go and rescue him from the evil blades and put him back in the sitting position. Too cute. My monkey - hates the grass. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Camp got a nice bruise on his head from bumping into something - we have yet to figure out what exactly.
I decided to change up my look over the weekend - went on Saturday and got it all chopped off. Then, Sunday morning - I used a temporary dye (the kind that says it will last through 28 washes) to see how I felt about being red again. It came out AWFUL. The parts that were red were quite lovely - but it was the big patches of blonde that made me look like I had some weird hair disorder. And, to make matters worse - I had to attend the church nursery, and there was no time to go back to the store to get something else to fix it. So, I decided that if anyone asked at church - I'd tell them I was doing a play. But - no one asked. Did get some strange looks - but hey, that's alright. Immediately after church - I headed straight to the store and got a permanent color - and I love it! It's sassy! I needed a little spicing up - so why not?