Well - as you can see - Andy Pandy had his 6 month portraits done today! Someone had given us a gift for the portrait studio when he was born - so we figured it was a great time! I put Camp's 6 month picture up as well. I feel so bad that I didn't have this online blog when Camp was a baby - so I think I'll highlight some of his big moments from his 1st year as I can.
Anyway - Andy is a star! He just laughed and laughed and flirted like crazy with the photographer. She loved the angelic one of him in his baptism gown - that she asked if she could submit it for one of the Walmart ad pics. Sure, why not - then everyone can see how beautiful my baby boy is.
Poor Camp has refused to nap today - so he's TIRED - but I think his teethies are just bothering him too much, despite the Motrin... sweet boy. He was excellent, as usual, in the store - And his beautiful blue eyes always attract comments and smiles. He's so funny because he will act as if he is the coyest boy on earth - but man, if you get to know him - you'd learn differently.
I had a good time with them. I love being out and about with them. They really are just sweet and wonderful and I love them to pieces.
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