Location: South Carolina, United States

I am 34, married to a wonderful man - Jason. We've been together for 12 years now - and married for 8. I'm a Mama of 2 boys and one gorgeous baby girl!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Camp KILLS me!! He's just now getting to the phase where he's trying to assert his independence, and expresses when he's displeased because he's not getting his way. I about DIED laughing yesterday morning because we wouldn't let him take his vacuum cleaner (our REAL Electrolux) with him to daycare. He just thought that was the end of the universe, let me tell you!! LOL!! KILLS ME! He's also into saying this "mama, dada, andy" over and over again - at varying intervals of holding the sounds.. so Mama may be mama, maaaaaama, mamaaaaa. It's awfully cute, let me tell you. He picks up new words left and right too. Elbow is another new one today.
Andy is still chubby - but what else is new. He loves his tongue recently - he's sticking it out at every opportunity! Today - he ate like a fiend too. He had 2 jars of food for lunch today at daycare! 2 jars in one sitting! No wonder he's my chubby monkey! He's also discovered his hands and thinks it quite fascinating to stare at them while he's taking his bottles. Also, very cute.


Blogger Amy said...

Okay Andy just gets cuter every day (Camp too!)

4:50 AM  

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