Happy Memorial Day! WOW - was it busy today.. ok.. not really. I slept in late (YAY!) and the boys had a bunch of fun with Dada this morning playing. We hung around the house most of the day. Camp got a new "Mawnmower" yesterday since his other one broke. And - he will not put it down. It has a bubble maker AND makes super-cool mowing sounds. It's his new favorite. Who can blame him? All I can say - that in about 15 years when he's trying to back out of mowing the yard - I now have evidence that he once LOVED to mow.. and will use it appropriately. We took an afternoon trip to Winthrop Lake to hang out and just be outside for a while. Camp brought his "mawnmower" and of course, proceed to mow as much grass as he could. And tonight - we grilled hamburgers and a hotdog - and corn. Camp ate corn off the cob for the 1st time tonight. He thought he was hot stuff too - he'd take a bite, then just laugh and laugh. He loved it - at all his "dotdog" and most of his corn that I had already cut off the cob - and then some of the corn still on the cob. He's so funny. I think it must be one of those phases - some nights he'll eat like crazy - other nights, he just doesn't want to do anything but pick - and it could have been the same thing he had devoured the week before. He was good last night about eating a new crockpot chicken recipe - he wasn't sure at 1st, but ended up eating it all. For some reason - he just does not like to eat when Jason and Andy are in the kitchen. But, once J takes Andy upstairs and he's got Mama all to himself - he chows down. Go figure.
Andy chilled with me on a blanket and laughed at the dog near us jumping in the water, his brother mowing, and his Dada making goofy faces at him. Andy pretty much laughs at anything. He's silly and so sweet. Once again, he brought out his big appetite for lunch. Had 2 jars of food at lunch (prunes and mango - what a combo) - and had quite a few bottles today. He goes back for his ear recheck on Wednesday. He's been acting fine - so I'm pretty sure he'll get a clean bill of health. He's making all kinds of very loud screechy sounds. Half the time, if I'm upstairs changing out the laundry, and I hear one of those - I fly down to see what's wrong - usually - he's screeching at a toy on his exersaucer. Never fails to make me run though. I guess after he's been doing it longer, I'll get used to it - but since it's new - man... makes my heart thud. He's also learning to pick up small objects. I put a couple Veggie Puffs on his tray yesterday - and he can rake them up and then get them between his forefinger and his thumb - he's even managed to get one into his mouth on his own! wasn't sure what to make of it when he did - but he'll get there eventually. We're also trying to inspire him to want to crawl. He does excellently with Tummy Time - and is really pushing himself up on his forearms - and started to kick his back feet - I predict in a month, he'll be really really close to crawling, if not already. God save the Queen (me). I'm going to be one busy woman once that starts. 2 to run after. sheesh.
I went over to my sweet friend Amy's last night and just hung out on her porch and drank way too much wine as we chatted until about 11. It was great to just hang out and be and go over stuff that's going on in my world and get some good feedback.. I'm lucky that I have really good friends in my life. Really. I wish they all knew how special and loved they are... so - LOVE YOU!
Love you too! I really enjoyed your visit too! Hopefully we will be having more wine chats in the hot tub on Pumpkin Lane!
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