Aww- what sweeties I have in my 2 boys. Today, Camp had a class party for Easter. So Jason took off early to go and play with him - then he picked up Andy too and brought them to work to see me. I love when they do that. And I had them in matching outfits too. So sweet. Everyone just says how beautiful they are - and how they are so chubby and sweet and happy. And it's true. I am proud, can you tell? Then, when we got home - I fed Andy and Camp was playing with his ball - his soccer ball. He loves that thing. And then Andy went into his exersaucer. Camp brought him his stuffed ducky that their Aunt Sharon gave to Andy and was trying to play with his baby brother. I'm telling ya - this kid knows exactly how to wrap me around his finger. He was all bubbles and laughter at Muzak. And he got to play with his favorite play-person, Mr. Grey, whom he promptly knocked in the head a bunch of times with a hard, plastic car. Poor Grey. Tonight - we're just going to hang out and be a family. And tomorrow, I took the day off to be with the boys, since they are off too. Should be FUN! I love it. I wish I could stay home all the time with them. Maybe we SHOULD downsize our house. Find an older home and make it our own... hrm.. options, options.
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