Happy Thursday!
No particular reason for that - just wanted to say Happy Thursday. The boys are doing so well. Camp had a bit of a cold over the weekend - but he's so sweet and wonderful. I just can't get enough of him. He's so funny. He absolutely LOVES being outside. Last weekend, we all went to work in the backyard - and he helped me rake and played on his toys. Then, I sat down to start pulling weeds out of the flower bed - and he came and just started helping. At one point, he had a weed in his hand and pulled so hard, he fell backwards! LOL! We both just cracked up.
He's recently gotten into the "Mine" phase of toddlerhood. Fuuuuun. It's just a phase - and this to shall pass one day. But for now - we're just going to try to keep teaching him about sharing and just because he can't have his brother's sippy cup when he's got 2 of his own already does not mean the end of the universe. My friend Deb brought over a wooden rocking horse. He loves it!! He pats it, pokes it's eyes and climbs on and off pretty regularly. He's also talking more and more each day. One of my favorite things Camp says is "Bless you" anytime anyone sneezes. So sweet. And he loves The Itsy Bitsy Spider - but he calls it "Up Down", and does the hand motions. Or at least tries to. It's so hard for me to believe that he's going to be 2 in November. Not all that far away. My sweet boy. Getting so big.
Andy is also growing by leaps and bounds. His 2nd toothy has broken through on the bottom. He's also starting to eat more solids - thank heavens. He had mac 'n cheese over the weekend and really liked it. This week he's added yogurt, a raisin, a potato chip (thank you camp for sharing), milk, green peas, carrots, and pears to his diet. Along with his usual puffs and cheerios. I need to do better about exposing him to more stuff. He's also getting the hang of the sippy cup and is starting to drink water at his dinner. Which is great! If I can break him of the bottle by 11 months, that will be fantastic.
Andy is pulling up on everything. Still no crawling yet - but he's soooooo close. He can get onto all 4's - then he rocks back and forth a bit - and slings his bottom way back and sits up. It's his version of scooting on the floor. He's got the backward movement down. Now - we just need to get him going forward. He loves bathtime too. He and Camp will just play and play.
I'm so grateful to be a Mama. A good friend is just starting down her fertility treatment journey, and I pray and pray that God blesses her with the joys that I have in my boys. The pure, unimaginable joy is amazing. Plus - I know she and her husband are going to be fantastic parents. As you read this - say a quick prayer for her.
SO sweet! Andy's eyes will just melt your heart and there is nothing sweeter than son and father taking a nap on the couch.
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